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기타 추천키워드 한식, 여행      
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San Francisco , CA 94304
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소개: J Global Law Group has grown through the referral of satisfied clients. We have been widely recognized and praised for meticulous services, for achieving success in difficult situations, for meeting our clients' goals in a timely and accurate manner, and for being available to our clients in their time of need and understanding their immigration experiences.
Immigration and Naturalization Law is considered one of the most complex areas of law, ranked right next to taxation law by industry experts. It is also a body of law that is constantly changing, making it very challenging to navigate.
It is also known for its draconian nature: simple mistakes such as not remembering the expiration date of one's documents or failing to file in a timely fashion can easily result in dire consequences.
Recognizing how important one's lawful immigrant status is to the individual, the family, and the employer, J Global Law Group treats each case with the utmost care and best efforts. A high volume law practice with a cookie cutter style rarely addresses everyone's unique needs. Practitioners at J Global Law Group take a holistic approach to help our clients achieve optimum results for both short term needs and long-term plans.
We believe that our specialized legal knowledge and extensive experience, combined with a deep appreciation for our clients' concerns, challenges and business objectives, is the foundation for optimal legal resolution.

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